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Petition ID 5503: Whoomphs & Running from fights
Submitted Mon, 14 Feb 22 00:33:18 +0000

I noticed this while fighting a Titan, but it appears to work for any monsters encountered on the map during travel. Basically, the Whoomph damage status transfers between fights as long as the target wasn't killed (running away from the fight). I ran circles around IC for a bit and got into several fights, each started off with the Whoomph damage applied to the monster. From the Titan fight, it doesn't appear to ever run out.

I can't think of a way to use this bug maliciously? It's a pretty niche thing. From my little five-minute test -
*Debuff is applied to the monster (but is not listed as a debuff / buff like ZAP or Monster Repellent) at the beginning of the fight
*Entering / leaving an outpost or the Jungle doesn't appear to cancel the debuff
*Winning a fight removes the debuff from future fights (did not test losing a fight except Down Below)
*Escaping a fight you instigated in the Jungle does not apply the debuff to future fights
*Debuff can be applied to FoeBots in Down Below, but same applies (winning the fight removes the debuff from future fights). Losing a fight Down Below and being rescued will remove the debuff from future fights.

tl;dr - super niche, can't really be used effectively outside of maybe cheesing a single FoeBot with a low level character, or some extra damage during a Titan fight.

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