Improbable Island Message of the Day (MoTD)

Help a friend out?
Admin CavemanJoe2013-03-07 15:23:48 [Permalink]
UPDATE: Mittens is free today, Thursday the 7th. Grab it while you can! Original MotD follows...

Hey, Islanders! As you might remember from previous MotD's about various Kickstarters, restaurant openings, fiction anthologies, indie games and so forth, whenever a personal friend of mine needs some help getting something off the ground my default response is to go "Well, I'll just throw the Island at it then!" There's a reason for that; you lot are a force for good, and if I think that something deserves to succeed, I have no reservations whatsoever about hurling your combined might at the project.

Well, usually I have no reservations. This time, a friend of mine wanted some help formatting an ebook and designing a cover, and - tactfully - did not ask me to promote it on the Island, for fear of putting me in an awkward situation. The book is not normally something I'd promote to you guys, but the characters in this are honestly pretty damn adorable. It's a light, happy, fun, positive story, very much in line with the sort of story I'm trying to tell here on the Island - I'm trying to raise your spirits and brighten your day, and I try to do that by giving you awesome things to read that (although there may be some scary bits along the way) always come with a happy ending guaranteed. This story is very much in the same spirit. It also... uh... happens to be hardcore lesbian erotica. Really rather kinky erotica, at that. Stop giggling, there, at the back.

The story is called "Mittens," and you can buy it here. This is Phoenix's (not a real name, of course) first foray into online publishing, and I think it deserves to succeed. If you're even slightly interested in this sort of thing, I encourage you to give it a go. It's two bucks and novella-length, and only available on Amazon for now (I tried to insist Phoenix do an epub version too, but Amazon apparently has a really sweet deal if you stay exclusive to them for three months so fair do's I guess), but you can get the Kindle app for iOS, Android and even Windows Phone, or you can read it online. Or, since this particular book is DRM-free, you can buy it and then use an online tool to convert it to any format you like!

Happy, uh, reading I guess!

In other news, things have been proceeding a little more behind-the-scenes of late; I've got some nifty new Mounts that I'm almost ready to unveil (including, FINALLY, a Mount for AceHigh), so stay tuned for some awesome new stuff!

Have fun!

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